Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year!

It's  -8 degrees.  What.The.F#$%.  "Oh, it never gets below 0 in Kodiak." Liars.  All of you, liars.

That said, I lived.  And it warmed up. To 6 degrees.  Hurray!  At least there is no ice or snow.  Small miracle I guess at this point.  The bigger miracle is that I've lived somehow.  I don't know how I did it, mind you.  The thermometers on the "thermostats" say it's less than 50, and you can see your breath sometimes.  So, it's cold inside too.  They have the a/c running nonstop.  And apparently this isn't an issue that can be fixed.  I'm sure it can, people are just lazy.  Soon though, I will have my own place and I will warm!  I can't wait.

Thank rant being out of the way (one I have shared with everyone who will listen - sometimes by force), I must say 2011 was a great year and I'm sad to see it go.  I joined the Coast Guard, got hurt pretty badly but I recovered, bought my first new car, met an amazing guy, met some great people, finished "A" school, moved to California and Alaska, and now am planning a wedding!  Woah, that's a lot.  Maybe 2012 will be a bit slower paced?  I doubt it.

Resolutions for 2012:
Make the next rank (well, that could take until March of 2013, even if I pass this fall)
Get orders to somewhere with seasons
Get back into volunteering

Anyone else have any resolutions for the coming year?

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